Ideas for meals that can be meal prepped to just start cooking when you get home from work

Ideas for meals that can be meal prepped to just start cooking when you get home from work

I am returning to a specific work schedule in a few weeks. Previously, I worked super early and got off with plenty of time left in the evening.

Do you have any ideas on meals you can meal prep to just be able to pop it in the oven/on the stove with little work?

So far, I've thought of the following: -forming patties for burgers and then just throwing them in the pan. -using thin chicken breasts and putting a mixture of cream cheese and salsa on top. Right before I put it in the oven, I would just throw peppers and cheese on. - stuffing chicken with a mixture of cream cheese and spinach. I'm just pop it in the oven.

Any other suggestions?

submitted by /u/alc19912010
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via Keto Recipes - Low Carb Recipes for Ketogenic Diets

February 27, 2021 at 03:33AM

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