Need high fat snacks that include veggies for on the go.

Need high fat snacks that include veggies for on the go.

Hello! I tried posting this is various other keto subreddits and I’m not sure why no one wants to help. It seems people just want to argue about the specifics of the diet.

The bottom line is I’m eating A LOT of protein and A LOT of “keto snacks.” I don’t want to argue about how I can have all the protein in the world. I want to incorporate more veggie and high fat snacks into my diet.

Could someone kindly link a few veggie/fat snacks that I could eat on the go? (I’m a delivery driver and I’m out 15-16 hours a day)

Thank you thank you 🙏 pls be nice. I just need help.

submitted by /u/bessii-the-cow
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via Keto Recipes - Low Carb Recipes for Ketogenic Diets

February 28, 2021 at 02:55PM

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